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The Top 10 Accessories You Must Have in Your Car for an Enjoyable Drive

So you’ve bought your new car or van and are ready to take it out on the road, but you begin to wonder whether there is a way you can enjoy your drive even more.

Nowadays there are so many ways you can improve your driving experience with accessories. If you can think of it, it probably exists. Here are just 10 of the must-have accessories for a much more enjoyable drive.

Cassette Adapter

Music is still the best way to enjoy a long drive. If your vehicle doesn’t offer connectivity with your phone but you still have a tape deck, you can buy a cassette adapter for your phone. Just put the adapter in, plug your phone into the 3.5mm cable and away you go, easy.

Phone/Tablet Mount

These days we are so reliant on our phone and tablets that it’s no surprise that you can buy a mount, and clip your device to your dashboard. This way you can have access to podcasts, music and use it as a sat-nav as well.


AA Roadwatch Pro App

This useful app (available on iOS) keeps track of all delays and jams on the roads to help you avoid the traffic. This makes for a far less stressful drive and combined with your new mount, this can make your drive a lot more enjoyable.

Cup Holders

Let’s face it, the standard cup holders on cars are often less than reliable. You can buy a far more sturdy cup holder online, and drive with peace of mind that your favourite drink won’t end up spilt all over your new car or van.

Rubbish Bin

This isn’t such a glamorous addition to your vehicle, but it can make the world of difference. Driving a clean car is much more enjoyable than a dirty one and you can get bins especially made for cars.

Neck Pillow

Those long drives can be a pain in the neck, quite literally. Make sure to get a good pillow addition and clip to your headrest to make sure you are comfortable when you drive.


Air Fresheners

It’s a classic and it’s obvious, but overpowering the smell of food and petrol with a nice scent is still a great way to make sure you are in an environment you enjoy being in.


Blind Spot Mirrors

More practical than entertaining, these little gadgets will save you from having to turn your head too much and can make changing lane on a busy motorway a lot less stressful, so you can focus on enjoying your drive.


Heated Steering Wheel Cover

You can now buy a battery-powered, heated steering wheel cover. Make sure your hands are warm when you are driving on those wintery days.


It’s time to move on from the unwieldily paper maps and get a Sat-Nav. You can even just get an app on your phone now. Take away the arguments over the map, and you will find you will enjoy your drive a great deal more.

